Educación ambiental universitaria y sustentabilidad: Brecha entre preocupación y acción
educación ambiental, sensibilización ambiental (Tesauro), percepción ambiental, problemática ambiental, sustentabilidad, (palabras clave de los autores)Abstract
University environmental education plays a crucial role in preparing future generations for the conservation and care of the environment. The objective is to evaluate the concern, present and future actions, as well as the level of information on sustainability and environmental education in university students from different areas of specialization. The study is a quantitative-descriptive cross-sectional study. A questionnaire with Likert scale questions was applied to 37% of the student population of the Polytechnic University of Texcoco in five majors. An Index of Environmental Concern, Awareness and Action (IPCA) was constructed, with 17 items. The results show that the university students of the five careers are concerned about environmental problems (IPCA = 0.90), have less awareness (IPCA = 0.77) and take fewer actions (IPCA = 0.75), but are willing to take mitigation actions (IPCA = 0.84). Also, it was found that 67% of students from all majors consider that information on sustainability, environmental education and environmental issues has been scarce during their university education. There is a gap between concern, awareness and implementation of concrete actions that should be reduced, taking advantage of the willingness and openness reported by university students.
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