Implementation of strategies for sustainable development in Mexico: a social, political and cultural reflection
sustainable development, environment, natural resources (Thesaurus); governance, citizen participation (Authors keywords).Abstract
The growing emission of greenhouse gases (GEI), the loss of biodiversity, contamination of soils and water bodies, among others, has caused consequences that
attract the attention of the world. In response, countries seek to implement actions that allow them to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) set out in the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to expose the different strategies that must be adopted to improve Mexican society through social, political and cultural reflection to achieve sustainable development. The methodology applied is mixed type where data were collected with the help of academic search engines to determine social and political participation from different areas and advances in the field. After analyzing the work, it exposes seven strategies based on the organizational capacities of Mexico that seek to propose a solution to reduce the environmental impact generated in recent decades as a result of industrial revolutions and unbridled urban expansion. In conclusion, the strategies outlined must be addressed by government, society and companies in an axis of cooperation, coordination and commitment.
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