Recognition and recovery of community elements in the municipality of Tetepango through games




cultural identity, illustration, game (Thesaurus); food culture, lottery (author's keywords).


The game is seen by different cultural groups as a tool endowed with representativeness; particularly the lottery, which provides a sense of visual representation and has symbolic content to strengthen cultural identity. Therefore, the objective of this work was the creation of a lottery game that would depict the traditional flora, locations, utensils, tools, trades and traditional foods with the intention of keeping the historical legacy of Tetepango, Hidalgo alive. The research is qualitative with an ethnographic method; the main research techniques used were informative documentary review and open interviews. As a first step, a search was carried out on the characteristics of the Mexican lottery, as well as its cultural value within the country. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with various inhabitants of Tetepango about elements present in the municipality with which they felt represented or related to, due to their presence throughout their lives. After gathering the information, photographs were taken for later illustration and thus, the lottery was assembled. Finally, it is concluded that the population still keeps alive part of its indigenous past, maintains a relationship with the biodiversity of its environment, and preserves the food culture by consuming traditional products such as beans and corn grown in the community.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Recognition and recovery of community elements in the municipality of Tetepango through games. (2023). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 14(1), 126-136.

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