Mediciones fisiológicas de la ansiedad: avances y posibilidades


  • Isabel Cristina Cano Alvarez Institución Universitaria CESMAG
  • Luz Magnolia Tilano Vega Universidad San BuenaVentura
  • Héctor García-Mayén Universidad San BuenaVentura
  • Francis Yurani Mera García Universidad San BuenaVentura


Anxiety, fear, physiological psychology, voice recognition


The evaluation of anxiety is a subject of search relevance due to the high prevalence and current incidence of this disorder and to the affectation evidenced in the diverse areas of performance. The purpose of this review article is to give an account of the progress in the development of physiological techniques for the evaluation of anxiety, especially those that involve voice analysis. As for the method followed for conducting the review of scientific articles, included those dealing with the implementation of physiolo-gical techniques in the assessment of anxiety, which could demonstrate the validity of these; given the scarcity offered in this respect, articles that showed correlates between measurements with subjective and physiological tests were selected, focusing the final quest on those that account for the measure-ment of anxiety from the voice. For the online search the EBSCO, Science Direct and Scopus platforms were used, selecting articles and reviews that included the related terms of anxiety correlates, physiolo-gical correlates and anxiety, anxiety or emotional speech recognition, voice recognition, fear, without time limit of the publications, given the low number of articles collected. The results offer valuable informa-tion  regarding  the  current  developments  in  the  psychophysiological  measurement  of  anxiety  and  the  importance of the use of correlates for the validity of the results. As for the studies of anxiety from the voice, no empirical evidence is found that allows to validate the results with other correlates of physiolo-gical and psychological measures.


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How to Cite

Mediciones fisiológicas de la ansiedad: avances y posibilidades. (2018). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 9(2), 68-81.

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