The school inside: importance of observation in the study of disciplinary practices
Discipline, school, observation, powerAbstract
The article presents a reflection on the importance of observation for the study of disciplinary practices, in this case, of school culture from the power relations that there are woven. Studying the dynamics within the school, is the interest that has prompted the research project underway, which allows to analyze the power relations from a rigorous, thorough and systematic exercise, with a comprehensive and interpretative pretension of the school reality, starting from the life itself of the social actors, from their experiences and experiences. A relevant conclusion is related to school practices and their transfor-mation over the years, product of social changes and the new educational bets that have passed through formative contexts. To examine these transformations, it is necessary to recognize the observation and immersion in school culture as the tools par excellence for the analysis and recognition of the transfor-mations of these practices; and, in this way, to identify the reconfigurations that take place in the 21st century, in order to overcome the critical rationality and to privilege the empirical one in the analysis of the school and the dynamics that are lived there.
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