Process of alienation of assets of mortmain in Cali, 1804: chaplaincy, pious works, and convents
Assets of mortmain, chaplaincies, convents, alienation, pious works, religious orders.Abstract
The article relates about the economic life of male religious institutions in the city of Cali in the early 19th century, through the registration of accounts submitted to the Board of confiscation, preserved by the Historic Archive of the Diocese of Popayán. Both the chaplaincies and pious works became the source of most important income for the sustenance of these institutions; however, after reforms policies of Carlos IV and the grave economic situation facing Spain at the end of the 18th century, applied a series of strategies that allowed the Crown to obtain new revenue. Thus began, a process of alienation of assets of mortmain, which applied at the Peninsula in 1798, and to the serious crisis in the beginning of 19th century, implemented in America since 1804, being so strong the momentum of this measure, to distant territories of the metropolis, as the city of Santiago de Cali, they were touched by it in 1806. Taking into account this context, the aim of the article is analyze the information provided by the register of pious works, to be able to approach both to economic reality and also social religious orders in the city.
Fuentes primarias:
Archivo General de la Nación (AGN). (1788). Fondo Archivo Arquidiócesis de Popayán, rollo 85, legajo 1330. AGN, Bogotá.
Archivo General de la Nación (AGN). (1806). Fondo Archivo Arquidiócesis de Popayán, rollo 58, legajo 885. AGN, Bogotá.
Archivo Histórico de Cali (AHC). (1806a). Fondo Cabildo, tomo 35. AHC, Cali.
Archivo Histórico de Cali (AHC). (1806b). Fondo Cabildo, tomo 37. AHC, Cali.
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