Relevance and labor demand for the economics career: Technical University of Cotopaxi.


  • Guido Patricio Santamaria Quishpe
  • Edwin Vásquez Erazo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Renato Pérez López Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Jessica Vásquez Álvarez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador



demand; economy; feasibility; relevance.


Economics is an important science that generates relations between society, public and private administration. It grants specific tools to measure the stability of a country, its development and growth contributing to the generation of public policies that promote decision-making and social welfare. The study aims to determine the relevance, the existing demand and the society needs for the curriculum of the ECONOMICS career of the Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), in accordance with the constitutional, legal and regulatory framework in force. As a methodology, the deductive method is used and the research is descriptive. The curricular design is carried out, establishing the professional profiles, learning outcomes and the specific competences for the career. The questionnaire to determine the unmet demand was applied in a sample of 115 companies belonging to the Province of Cotopaxi corresponding to the area of greatest incidence. The results show that there is an unfulfilled demand, which shows that the relevance and necessity of having an economics career in the area is of great importance. The tendency of actors and sectors was also analyzed, based on National and Regional Planning instruments, taking into account the problems and tensions that guided the construction of basic nuclei and subjects contributing to professional training, the satisfaction of the needs of the area,considering that economy is found day by day in all areas of our daily lives.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Relevance and labor demand for the economics career: Technical University of Cotopaxi. (2021). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 12(1), 71-84.

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