Introduction to the theory of economic justice
Economic analysis; social welfare; economic behavior; social inequality; economic justiceAbstract
This article aims to conduct a conceptual and theoretical approach to economic justice in a formal but understandable way for economists and non-economists, and demonstrate its importance in the economic policy of a society. For this purpose, an analytical method was used to scrutinise the bibliographic evidence, which focused on the qualitative theoretical-formal description of economic justice, and review contributions from moral philosophy, analyzed through the use of tools economic issues focused on distributive justice. Thus, the type of economic policy that should be applied according to the accep-ted concept of justice was claified. The most relevant conclusion is that all theories of economic justice developed to this day are built on the same schematic structure, which is composed of the following elements: the description of the context, that is, the distributive problem; the ethical criterion of distri-bution; the behavior of the people; and the distribuendum. However, the concept of justice is differes according to the theory used, which defines the type of position that economic policy will take in addres-sing the problem of economic injustice and improving social welfare.
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