Non-verbal communication in the field of higher education


  • Jose Edmundo Calvache
  • Martha Graciela Cantillo Sanabria



Nonverbal communication; teachers; higher education; teaching learning; kinesics; proxemics.


The article presents relevant aspects of a study on the nonverbal communication in the field of higher education, result of a research carried out in Spanish universities from the year 2012 to 2015. The objective was to analyze the use of non-verbal language in University teaching communication, its dynamic structure, behavior and manifestations in the University classroom. Some non-verbal elements used by teachers are highlighted, and if they produce an impact on students and affect the communicative effectiveness in the teaching-learning process. The research was framed within a qualitative perspective and inscribed in the field of descriptive semiotics. As a research technique and instrument, a semi-structured interview was applied to 60 teachers and 60 students of different levels, environments, qualifications, level of development and commitment to educational performance. Fulfilled the process of reception and analysis of data, it was found that despite some differences between the impression and preferences of teachers and students, their answers lead to conclude that the use of non-verbal language in the communication of the university teacher, has implications and effects on communicative effectiveness, becoming a tool that helps teachers to optimize teaching-learning processes and maintain a motivating environment for meaningful learning in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

  • Jose Edmundo Calvache
    Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Tunja, Colombia, Magister en Lingüística aplicada, Universidad de la Sorbona Paris, Francia. Especialista en Educación: Administración Educativa, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia, Docente pensionado, Universidad de Nariño, Profesional investigador Grupo Modelos Pedagógicos, Institución Universitaria CESMAG y Grupo Indagar, Universidad Mariana
  • Martha Graciela Cantillo Sanabria
    Doctora en Investigación Educativa, Universidad de Alicante (España). Máster en Investigación Educativa, Universidad de Alicante España. Especialista en Gerencia social, Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia. Docente investigadora, Universidad Santiago de Cali.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Non-verbal communication in the field of higher education. (2017). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 8(2), 26-40.

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