Knowledge about dietary sustainability in Mexican adults from a gender perspective
knowledge, nutrition, gender, perceptions (Thesaurus); sustainability (Author's keywords).Abstract
Among the multiplicity of factors affecting food consumption, knowledge based on understanding acquired from different sources play a crucial role in modifying dietary habits. The objective of this research was to analyze, from a gender perspective, the knowledge about dietary sustainability of Mexican adults. A web-based survey was applied to 559 residents of the central region of the country. The instrument included 21 variables that allowed identifying socio demographic features and knowledge about the environmental impact of food consumption. Using Chi-square analysis, it was found that the sample, of which half were young women from urban areas, presented statistically significant differences between sexes, in terms of willingness to adopt sustainable dietary habits, with the perception of fruits as an important factor in dietary patterns of lower environmental impact. The similarity in knowledge about sustainable diets among groups indicates a shared willingness to consume environmentally friendly foods. However, respondents presented a perception of meat as an important component of a sustainable diet, which could be due to the lack of nutritional and environmental education.
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