El diseño regenerativo como modelo sustentable para la revitalización del hábitat


  • Cristián Rizieri Félix -Meza Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México
  • Erasmo Velázquez- Cigarroa Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México




Imbalance, mechanisms, system (Thesaurus), pattern analysis, regenerative design, environmental reintegration (keywords suggested by the author)


The lack of information, definition, dissemination and understanding of the natural and artificial environment in all its forms have triggered a lack of data and processes that might facilitate the resolution of environmental problems in rural, semi-urban and urban contexts. Therefore, regenerative design is established as a structured platform that configures the breaking point in the concept of a community and leads to analyze data patterns to provide a computer flow in a given location. In this way, this research is an analysis at a theoretical level that links and contrasts existing documentation that gives direction to the current contextualization of regenerative design and its immediate role inside the habitat. For this reason, the objectives are to investigate the concepts of the man-nature binomial and regenerative design, by clearly identifying their configuration elements and then defining them. This research is based on a theoretical framework that outlines a theory of paradigm change and design conception that has an impact on the resolutions of problems around the environment. Finally, it concludes in investigating the methodological construction of regenerative design as a sustainable model, with effective and efficient global applications as some of the reflections found in this research.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

El diseño regenerativo como modelo sustentable para la revitalización del hábitat. (2022). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 13(1), 30-44. https://doi.org/10.15658/INVESTIGIUMIRE.221301.03

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