University-business-state linkage model for the internationalization of SMEs


  • Olga Leticia Gil-Gaytán
  • Denisse Leticia Cárdenas - Gil



International trade; economy; company; globalization.


This article proposes the University-Business-State linkage model, known within Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente - ITESO under the name of PAP International and whose objective is to support the internationalization of Mexican Small and Medium Enterprises. In the case of Mexico, these companies represent 99.8% of the country’s business sector. The internationalization of these types of companies is a priority issue for the development of the country and its competitiveness. The International Professional Application Project has its theoretical support in the model known as the Triple Helix, which seeks the generation of knowledge and innovation from the interaction of three main actors: university, company and state. Other theoretical contributions are also considered; they support the importance of
this interaction for the promotion of the internationalization of companies. This model aims at the
internationalization of Mexican Small and Medium Enterprises through the knowledge developed
in universities. With the disappearance of PROMEXICO and other state agencies such as JALTRADE in Jalisco, the State resources are not enough for such an arduous task. Among the results obtained by this model are: fourteen years of operation in ITESO, support to 225 companies and the participation of 900 students from different educational programs. Accompanying this model, the case of the INATEQ company is presented. This company currently exports to Europe and is one hundred percent exporter.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

University-business-state linkage model for the internationalization of SMEs. (2021). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 12(2), 27-42.

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