Exceptional capture by order of the District Attorney’s Office from the perspective of the accusatory criminal system


  • Juan Sebastián Bastidas-Zárate Universidad de Boyacá




arrest, exceptional arrest, district attorney’s office, freedom, legal reserve, accusatory system.


Freedom as a fundamental right, has normative support in the Constitution of 1991 and in different International Treaties signed in the field of Human Rights. This right is not absolute, and can be restricted even in times of peace, to the extent that a series of legal requirements are satisfied in order to achieve a constitutionally legitimate purpose. However, deprivation of liberty is an exceptional situation that is
subject to the principle of legal reserve, which implies that only a judge could order the limitation of that right. To develop the raised issue, the following objective was set: To analyze the legal concept of exceptional arrest by order of the district attorney’s office as a limitation to freedom, within the framework of the accusatory criminal system. To reach the stated objective, a qualitative research was implemented, studying and describing the normative and doctrinal relationships around the foundations and effects of an exceptional arrest, through a descriptive documentary study. This study aims to understand the legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal texts regarding the object of study in order to specify their true meaning.
This study allows us to understand that the exceptional arrest introduced in the criminal procedure legislation is not desirable within a system that is presumed accusatory, despite the demands given by the Constitutional Court when declaring it constitutional, which, in any case, goes beyond the roles of those who intervene in the criminal process, especially that of the district attorney’s office as an accusing entity.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Exceptional capture by order of the District Attorney’s Office from the perspective of the accusatory criminal system. (2021). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 12(2), 92-110. https://doi.org/10.15658/INVESTIGIUMIRE.221202.07

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