Writing for relief. Experiences of literary creation in the prison and penitentiary center of medium security at El Espinal – Tolima, Colombia
mudança social; Etnografia; Escrita criativa; Liberdade; Pedagogia experimental.Abstract
This article reflects on the results obtained after carrying out a pedagogical intervention with the base group of Pavilion 10 of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) in the municipality of El Espinal – Tolima, Colombia. The epistemological basis of this research was to understand writing as a liberating device; that is, as a mechanism for the re-signification of life in prison. To this end, a methodological approach was carried out from the and contributions were taken from the ethnographic method. The intervention was a process of training in reading and creative writing, whose final product was the construction of a chronicle prepared by a group of eight Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL). Finally, this article comments on the need to resignify the social and interactional practices of persons deprived of liberty in the penitentiary institution based on a communication strategy that promotes social rehabilitation and the strengthening of social relations.
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