Social learnings of an Educational Community of the City of Pereira, in times of pandemic
Social learning; autonomy; creativity; school; family; interactive media.Abstract
The suspension of presence in schools due to the current crisis caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus forced the educational community to use different interactive media, to continue the processes of teaching and remote school learning from home. These uses began to reveal new learnings, socialized in the different virtual encounters with teachers, and observed in the new school daily life from each of the families, which is why a public educational institution in the city of Pereira decided to implement a research process that would allow recognizing social learning, those that are not acquired at specific places and times, nor contemplated in the curriculum since the beginning of the school year, but rather emerge from exchange and interaction in different contexts, and that are part of the formation of the human being, with projection to include them within the school curriculum, since they have been key within the institutional process.
To demonstrate these learnings, qualitative research was used with the ethnographic method, from participating and non-participating observation, on social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp groups, in constant interaction with members of the educational community, to collect expressions, images and actions in cyberspace; in addition, the qualitative survey was implemented, which allowed to explore meanings and experiences during the pandemic, which not only leaves consequences in pathological terms, and economic detriment, but also a series of social learnings, product of physical distancing, and the possibilities of interaction through virtuality.
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