Neoliberalism and its implications for job instability at the National University of Costa Rica
Temporary hiring; directional workers; Educação universitária; non-workability; neoliberalismAbstract
Neoliberalism has reached university education in the Latin American region, commercializing education and, consequently, its structures. This is reflected in the working conditions of people employed at institutions of higher education, regardless of whether they are public or private. Instability, in most cases, generates forms of flexibility and job insecurity, which prevails in the neoliberal development model. Thus, the objective of this research was to determine the working conditions of a population of academic and administrative staff hired temporarily by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). As a methodology, the qualitative, exploratory approach was used. The sample consisted of a group of working people from the aforementioned faculties, selected by a simple random procedure, with whom eight semistructured interviews were conducted. As a result, profiles of the working population were obtained, which include characteristics associated with their career path and their perceptions regarding the implications of job instability, future expectations linked to their continuity or permanence in the university and their family life, among others. It is concluded that temporary hiring is a problem that is associated with the logic of economic and political development in the country, which hinders future results as it affects higher educational institutions as much as their staff.
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