Imaginaries on educational inclusion in the professoriate of preschool and elementary school


  • Elizabeth Martinez Universidad de Nariño


Special education, school, elementary school student, imaginary, inclusion (disability Thesaurus), educational policy (Thesaurus educational policy)


The research had as objective principal study the teachers’ imaginaries in the education given to the population of inclusion in an educational institution of the City of Pasto. A methodology was adop- ted from the qualitative approach, with an ethnographic research method; as research techniques and instruments, a survey was applied, a semi-structured interview was conducted, a review of the stories and administrative documents was made as secondary information, in order of understand imaginaries about the educational inclusion in the professoriate of preschool and elementary school. The sample was conformed by teachers belonging to the Francisco José de Caldas Municipal Educational Institution. With the information collected, the analysis of the narrative discourse of the interviewees was made, and also with the information of the secondary sources, to contrast with the existing theory. The fo- llowing were found as important conclusions: the narratives of the teachers focus their definition of so- cial imaginary on constructions, representations and ways of acting. The social imaginary and inclusive education in the Educational Project of the Institution, is directly related to the thinking of antiquity, showing a conceptual backwardness in this regard, which would affect the form of education imparted.


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Author Biography

  • Elizabeth Martinez, Universidad de Nariño

    The  research  had  as  objective  principal  study  the  teachers’  imaginaries  in  the  education  given  to  the  population  of  inclusion  in  an  educational  institution  of  the  City  of  Pasto.  A  methodology  was  adop-ted from the qualitative approach, with an ethnographic research method; as research techniques and instruments, a survey was applied, a semi-structured interview was conducted, a review of the stories and administrative documents was made as secondary information, in order of understand imaginaries about  the  educational  inclusion  in  the  professoriate  of  preschool  and  elementary  school.  The  sample  was conformed by teachers belonging to the Francisco José de Caldas Municipal Educational Institution. With  the  information  collected,  the  analysis  of  the  narrative  discourse  of  the  interviewees  was  made,  and  also  with  the  information  of  the  secondary  sources,  to  contrast  with  the  existing  theory.  The  fo-llowing were found as important conclusions: the narratives of the teachers focus their definition of so-cial imaginary on constructions, representations and ways of acting. The social imaginary and inclusive education  in  the  Educational  Project  of  the  Institution,  is  directly  related  to  the  thinking  of  antiquity,  showing a conceptual backwardness in this regard, which would affect the form of education imparted.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Imaginaries on educational inclusion in the professoriate of preschool and elementary school. (2018). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 9(2), 39-53.

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