The formation by competencies in a complex world
Education; competencies; complexity; globalization; transdisciplinarity.Abstract
Since the subject that belongs to the educational sector will never be finished, it always feeds on new ideas or opinions, among these, that characterization, research and competences development processes are vital if you want to achieve goals to achieve a quality education for all and articulate it to formation within a complex system that produces a dialectic integration permanent and transforming between reflection and action. Therefore, the objective of the research that is based on the article, consisted of performing a reflection that may lead to discourse regarding the educational process and all those involved in it. The methodology was based on a bibliographic review with respect to competency and complexity issues, as well as some interviews with people related to the subject directly or indirectly. As a relevant conclusion must be the formation by competences from the perspective of complexity, it is a configuration of all the dimensions in which the human being must be related, and if a reform is desired, this must go through the entire educational system through a dialogue of knowledge that enables human beings to achieve a critical awareness with respect to the circumstances surrounding it. The vision of complexity to this system is a challenge, since it modifies the thought in such a way that it confronts the growing complexity, the speed of the changes and the unexpected that characterizes today's world.
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