Public space: sustainable local urban development engine
Public space; integral improvement of neighborhoods; citizen participation; urban planning.Abstract
In the article the story is made of a way of thinking the city and the relations present in the public space as a process and scenario of socio-political representation in permanent transformation as a consequence of the accelerated development and unplanned movement of multiple poles of activity that threaten Latin American city in its urban, architectural, historical and artistic component, and creates serious problems of occupation, property speculation and, even more, serious and irreparable social problems. Topics such as sustainable development, urban environments and public space dimensions are addressed as simultaneous dimensions, and it is recognized that the city, citizenship and public space are part of a whole. Therefore, it is recognized that the 21st century has overflowed reality, in which the market prevails above all and that, at the same time, citizen practices by the discussion of new socially accepted habitats, put the points on the ies in the Urban planning processes that should be undertaken in the future for the re-building of the city and its urban areas. That is why in the bibliographical review becomes evident that the way the city and public space have been designed for Pasto, must be rethink, to understand the city as scene of representativeness and socio-spatial production that supports the production and social innovation by the re-conquest of the city - society as a timely response on the understanding of diversity and the need for local knowledge.
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