Social design: approaches and projects of industrial design In The University Autonomous of Colombia.


  • Adriana Bastidas Pérez Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia
  • Helen Rocío Martínez



Industrial design; social design; vocational training; social innovation; design pedagogy.


From origins of design as profession, is have expressed visions around its role in the problems resolution of people and the society. Are raised as objective identify dynamic tools and thought forms that configured social approach appropriation in said program. For this is carried out a review of bibliographical references, practices and projects, promoter organizations and academic experiences. Is part of understanding of social design concept from historical, methodological outlooks, and action fields in which is manifest itself. As part of information collection process, is studied grade works, is conducted open interviews to teachers and graduates with the intention of promote, discuss and register knowledge, opinions or perceptions around the role of design in impact initiatives and social innovation. In the course of investigation unfolded an academic - curriculum exercise which allowed to identify competences of industrial design at the service of social innovation and meet provision, skills and shortcomings of students for such practices. With research is shows growing interest of teachers and students by this themes type and opening scenarios of practice that allow form specialized professional in Social Design.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Social design: approaches and projects of industrial design In The University Autonomous of Colombia. (2016). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 7(2), 48-64.

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