Social Appropriation of Science and Technology in Conservation Projects: A Methodological Proposal to Understand It
conservation of wild fauna and flora, scientific culture, methodology, relationships between groups (Thesaurus); ASCyT, relationship between science and society, sustainability (Keywords suggested by the authors).Abstract
The main objective of this article is to present a methodological proposal for the schematization social appropriation process of science and technology (ASCyT) in contexts where there are conservation projects for wildlife at the local level. From Leon Olive Morett’s definition (1950 – 2017) about definition of “strong appropriation”, some elements were extracted which were analyzed with tools based on the translation sociology proposed by Callon. This will provide a notion about the agents who contribute to conservation and the formation of networks. Subsequently, It was proposed some tools to contribute to characterize the identified agents, detecting their possible changes due to their interactions, the forms that these interactions take and the influence of the discourses coming from the academic field in the ASCyT. A methodological proposal is presented for the schematization and understanding of ASCyT processes, in which interaction between actors from different cultures is necessary. Based on the previous actions, a reflection is carried out on the dialogue and project execution strategies implemented by agents in the scientific area and the field of sustainability, with emphasis on the experts’ role.
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