From oblivion to the blackboard: analysis of the empowerment of the social communicator / journalist in Tunja, Colombia
gender equality, woman, journalism (Thesaurus); social communication, empowerment, narratives (Keywords of the author)Abstract
The present article resulted from research focuses on identifying and describing the empowerment of social communicator – journalist women in Tunja, Colombia, based on their work participation in the media, comparing the positions in which these women have held since the year 2015 until 2019, in order to present the construction of narratives where the development of their work can be recognized. The research is framed under the historical-hermeneutic paradigm, with a qualitative descriptive approach. Twelve women were the chosen population with empirical and professional training in Social Communication. The process for collecting information was divided into eight phases and the data collected was taken from semi-structured interviews and surveys. The results are focused on professional recognition, reflection and gender equity in the capital of Boyacá. The conclusions are focused on highlighting two fundamental aspects: first, the absence in the implementation of chairs and training spaces related to gender vision issues, where women’s role is recognized; and, second, new strategies are enabled that provide leadership and decision-making opportunities that contribute to the empowerment of professionals, not only in the region, but at the national and international level.
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