Interactions that describe the teaching practices in different flexible models of education
classroom environment, pedagogical support, social interaction, educational model, flexible model, pedagogical practice (Thesaurus).Abstract
This descriptive - exploratory research is carried out with the objective of analyzing the interactions taken of a sample of elementary education teachers, who were beneficiaries of the scholarship program for excellence granted by the National Ministry of Education (MEN) and the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia. These professionals work in state educational institutions located in rural and urban areas, with flexible models of education: traditional, or new/multi-grade school. Classroom observations were carried out during class, and recordings were made according to the following domains: emotional and pedagogical support, classroom organization and the ten dimensions that comprise the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). This scoring system was created by Pianta and collaborators. The data analysis requires a quantitative assessment, which determines the instrument in levels of interaction, classified in high, medium and low. The results show a medium level of teachers’ interaction in the three domains, which means that considering the assessment done in a range of three to five, there are quantitative differences, but not differences in level on average. According to the measurement scale, the highest quantitative data are found in the emotional support and classroom organization domains, evidenced in the teachers of the flexible model of traditional education in the urban area. This research reveals a need to strengthen the domain of pedagogical support, from a theoretical-practical perspective, which bets on reflective teaching.
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