Analysis of company satisfaction indicators tu envío fácil S.A.S.


  • Erik Yesid Bermúdez Hernández
  • Oscar Eduardo Sarmiento Saavedra



Supply chain, last mile logistics distribution, satisfaction indicators, optimization model.


The purpose of the article is to address the problem presented by the company Tu Envió Fácil S.A.S., based on the study of the low indicators of customer satisfaction. In this sense, the objective was to design a model of optimization of last mile logistics distribution against the low indicators revealed by customers about the company in the city of Bogotá, between September and December 2019. A methodology from the quantitative approach was adopted to identify positive and negative variables; in addition, it was deductive in nature, which allows to bring a concept from the general to the particular. Supply chain management theories were also taken into account, which allow to determine the existence of the need to design the model to optimize and be able to make an improvement in the factors that generate customer dissatisfaction and low effectiveness of operations. Theories of supply chain management were also taken into account, which allow to determine the existence of the need to design the model to optimize and be able to make an improvement in the factors that generate customer dissatisfaction and low effectiveness of operations. Among some results, it was established that the current indicators are adequate for the management of the company's last mile logistics distribution and, likewise, that one of the problems is related to the road complexity that some cities have in terms of infrastructure, traffic or safety, which leads to non-compliance in relation to the delivery of merchandise and customer dissatisfaction. In conclusion, the need for a last mile logistics distribution optimization model is confirmed, for an improvement in the factors that are generating customer dissatisfaction and low operational effectiveness.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Analysis of company satisfaction indicators tu envío fácil S.A.S. (2020). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 11(2), 85-95.

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