Of music on the infant brain: a review of neurosciencesabstract


  • Ximena Nathalia Ortega Delgado
  • Oscar Fabián Martos Guatusmal
  • Hugo Hernán Báez Galeano




Emotion; social skills; music therapy; neuroscience; psychomotor skills


This review article is the product of a research process in the classroom, developed with secondsemester  students  of  the  Psychology  Program  at  CESMAG  University  in  the  city  of  Pasto  (Colombia).  The  objective was to analyze the effects of music on the infant brain. A literature search was performed with the  use  of  databases,  such  as:  Scielo,  Dialnet,  Redalyc  and  Science  Direct;  The  Google  Scholar  search  engine was also used. The information was searched using the keywords: music, cognition, emotion and social  skills.  The  information  was  limited  to  research  carried  out  with  children  and  that  corresponded  to works published between 2013 and 2018. After the search, the literature was compiled by means of an Analytical Summary of Study (ASS), and the data were organized in matrices that allowed the main categories  of  the  effects  of  music  to  be  recognized,  at  the  level  of  emotions,  in  psychomotor  skills,  in  language and in children’s social skills. It is concluded that the scientific evidence of the effects of music have  been  important  in  the  establishment  of  concrete  tools  for  the  stimulation  of  language,  psychomotor skills and social skills. Principally, a field of intervention has been generated, under conditions in which there are pathologies such as language disorders, aphasia and stress, among others.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Of music on the infant brain: a review of neurosciencesabstract. (2019). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 10(2), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.15658/INVESTIGIUMIRE.191002.05

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