Opportunities of free trade agreements (fta): a dynamic that requires integrated work


  • Susana Jimena Barreto Bedoya Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos




Competitiveness; business opportunities; exportable offer; free trade agreement


 The article is on the importance and challenges of free trade agreements signed in them last years by Colombia, and its involvement in the local and social development of them regions, which have been seen, in some cases, affected not only in themes economic own of them agreements; but also in cultural and social aspects of small groups or minorities that, while listen to daily on the globalization by different means, do not understand the factors that to future can get to be positive but that, however, stun them in your new dynamic. While is true, producers of some economic sectors are the more affected, in the article not is makes an apology to the topic already discussed and studied by authors as Umaña, Salazar and Rhodes, but consists in analyze implications of economic character that are the primary purposes of its integration, since for no country is a secret the current dynamic of the world globalized. The methodology is based on an exercise and classroom activity and formative research, is descriptive and seeks to know and understand the investigated situations. A conclusion relevant is related with implications of social character that can lead to changes and transformations of community with signature of agreements with more competitive countries.


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Author Biography

  • Susana Jimena Barreto Bedoya, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
    Docente Programa de Derecho- Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas Internacionales


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How to Cite

Opportunities of free trade agreements (fta): a dynamic that requires integrated work. (2016). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 7(2), 66-76. https://doi.org/10.15658/CESMAG16.05070206

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