Effects of a program of resilience on the levels of positive mental health.


  • Adriana Perugache Rodríguez Universidad de Narino
  • Mayra Alejandra Guerrero Rosero
  • Sara Natalia Guerrero Caicedo
  • Yenifer Alexandra Ortega Ortega




Resilience; mental health; positive mental health.


The article refers to a study whose objective consisted to determine the effect of an intervention program on resilience on the levels of positive mental health in sixth graders from basic secondary. It filed a methodology of an explanatory type with a quasi-experimental design. The level of the dependent variable was evaluated in the control group and the experimental through standardized tests and validated with the Scale Health Mental Positive Lluch (1999), whose reliability in the correlation test-retest is 0.85. The intervention in resilience was applied to the group experimental and finally, the post-test was applied in the two groups. The statistical analysis was performed with statistical package, Predictive Analytics Software - statistics (PASW statistics) version 18. Once determined the normal distribution of the data and the variance, was performed statistical analysis using the Student T test and Wilcoxon for independent samples. Regarding the results, they were observed that after intervention, scores of participants in the experimental group, increased considerably in each factor, as became 5.1% of scores in the high level of the pre-test, to the 51.3% in high level of scale of Mental Health in the post-test of the experimental group, where p < 0.05 and T = 11.597. As Conclusion, is that the program in resilience increases levels of Positive Mental Health in students.


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Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Effects of a program of resilience on the levels of positive mental health . (2016). Revista Investigium IRE Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 7(1), 76-91. https://doi.org/10.15658/CESMAG16.05070106